Saturday, May 28, 2011

Addictive Book Series

You always have a book that left you hungry for titles in this series to read next? Or eagerly anticipating the release of a new title for the count down? These addictive Books that you just do not put down once you start reading the first page can! What is a book series so addictive? Here bestselling book series about our two 'cents worth.

Mind Blowing plots

Every bestselling novel is an exciting and lasting conspiracy that will engage readers book series as well. Typically, a series on the book title is the same concept but with different emphasis in the story demonstrated advances are based. For example, a strong plot Hunger Games trilogy that has attracted countless readers and received positive reviews important revolves around. With an authoritarian government based on a dystopic world, the hungry children play, where they fight to survive as homage to represent his district are forced to. Death toll increases would be only one winner. This exciting concept is really an excellent plot that attracts readers of all ages is a perfect start.

Is it ended? What's next?

Honestly after finishing a title, the novel's end is sometimes left open ended with many unanswered questions, readers expect the next title in the series to be room for imagination. (Harry Potter series, book 3) Azkaban Prisoner of the readers are left wondering what the truth behind the death of his parents after learning about the jail after the escape of Sirius Black and Harry Potter is having. 3 mysterious book left off the 4 book, an open-ended for the 5th book creates more excitement is to create excitement ... And the cycle continues.